Brightcove Player v6.60.0-announcement

This announcement covers changes coming to the Brightcove Player Release and Pre-release feeds.


About Player Versions, Pre-releases and Full Releases

The lifecycle of a player version (e.g. 6.60.0) can be outlined as follows:

Not all versions are pre-released. Not all pre-releases become full releases. Similarly, there are situations where pre-release phase will be skipped, such as some high priority bug fixes.

The Future of the Brightcove Player Release Feed

Rather than maintaining separate feeds with duplicate information, we plan to roll all these events into a single feed. The main benefit of this will be that each version number will have a single entry in a single feed and will tell you exactly what changed from the previous version. And you'll still know when the current pre-release and full release are changed.

Going forward, this feed will include the following types of entries: