Brightcove Player v7.0.0

Brightcove Player 7.0.0 is available as a pre-release for manual update.

No existing players have been auto-updated to this version. Customers eager for a feature or fix that is only available in this version may manually update via the Studio Players JSON Editor or the Player Management API.

Brightcove Player 7

The first official version of Brightcove Player 7 is here!

In previous release candidates, we published a running list of migration notes and additional information, but now that it's official, please refer to our support documentation, Brightcove Player 7 Migration Guide.

Further reading will be available on the Brightcove blog and, for Video.js 8 and VHS 3, you can check out the Video.js website for a blog post.

A summary of significant changes in Player 7 follows; for details, again, refer to the Brightcove Player 7 Migration Guide.