Brightcove Player v6.57.0

The Brightcove Player 6.57.0 is available. Notable changes since 6.54.0 include:



Rendition changes

As of this release, whenever a user selects a particular rendition via a rendition picker or when switching to or out of fullscreen, the buffer is cleared to switch to the new rendition immediately. This will improve viewer experience as we will immediately switch up to a higher rendition when the view goes fullscreen.

Internet Explorer Support Update

Brightcove is no longer actively supporting Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) on any version of Windows. This was announced with the Brightcove Player 6.52.1 release and made official with the Brightcove Player 6.56.0 pre-release

Related bug reports and enhancement requests will not be accepted after this date. While we will not intentionally remove IE11 support in any version of Brightcove Player 6.x, we will not be actively testing against it either.

Customers requiring support for IE11 may wish to lock their player to this version. Note that locked players no longer receive new enhancements or bug fixes.

Edge is the recommended Microsoft browser and is fully supported by the Brightcove team.

Package Updates